Bharlabh - Blended Mass Gainer

Blended Mass Gainer

Bharlabh is protein blend mass gainer supplement intended for weight gain purpose. The blend consist of whey isolate and whey concentrate (isolate as a primary source) along with casein. Whey + casein blend product makes it a proper protein product for post workout recovery. The protein combo ensures sustained release of EAA and BCAA for muscle recovery and total body buildup.

Product Features:

  • It is a blend of 3 Protein source (Isolate + Concentrate + Casein) wherein isolate is the primary source of protein.

  • Consists of 6.6gm EAA which assists in cell recovery and in building new muscle tissue, 3gm BCAA promotes protein synthesis and faster recovery.

  • it also consists of 2.34 gm of glutamic acid which ensures proper functioning of immune and digestive system.

  • Each serving provides 13.5 gm of protein and 41 gm of carbohydrate.

  • Contains Natural flavor.

Product Benefits:

  • The small serving size ensures the product last longer.

  • Continuously fuels muscle building

  • Enhances mass gaining with adequate meal.

Selvast Food